"Kovač Slips Easily Across That Twilight Zone Where Contemporary Composition and Folk Music Touch."
Chris Cutler, Resonance, London 1999
After a few years of silence it's time to update the site!
Very glad to announce 4 important works:
two albums and two films.

For all Creatures
performed by Ritual Nova Trio
Boris Kovač / Miloš Matić / Lav Kovač
After an almost 50-year long career and various ways in which I dealt with music, ranging from non-deterministic improvisation to strictly composed chamber music, from contemporary classical, through European-oriented improvised to world and quasi-dance music, I returned to what I started and I could call it holistic music creation. It is a combination of composed and improvised in interaction with collaborators who participate in the creation of music from co-authoring, through co-arranging to creative performance in which improvisation plays a significant role. The permeation of individual and collective in this way of creating and performing music is what paraphrases ritual in the work of this trio in the contemporary context.
The motives that inspire this music are related to simple everyday life, to nature and its changes, to the relationship with close people, animals and plants. To paraphrase Nietzsche, this music is radically non-contemporary precisely in its effort to rediscover neglected humanity.

Garden of Love album

An album of songs composed on classical and modern poetry on the theme of Love.
Composed and arranged by Boris Kovač
Keyboards arrangements by Igor Tomić (tr 1,3,7,8,9,10) and Lav Kovač (tr 5,6)
Performed by Josip Tomić – vocal interpretation
Boris Kovač – piano, saxes, clarinet, melodion
Dani More – double bass
Milica Svirac – cello
Ana Klem Aksentijević – viola
Dima Jakovljević – guitar (tr1) accordion (tr5).
Recorded by Boris Kovač, mixed and mastered by Dima Jakovljević.
Produced by KacharaMMstudio, Bukovac in 2021-22.
Listen and purchase album on the Bandcamp.
Young video artist Jovana Sunajko with my supervision created a nice video film based on my album of songs Garden of Love.
Finally, my film 4 Suns & Piano,
after its festival life, is available to the public.
A poetic documentary directed, edited & music composed by Boris Kovač.
Cinematography by Darko Marić
edit and colour grade by Darko Maletin
sound design by Vlada Rašković
final cut dramaturgy by Igor Burić
geo- poetical research by Nikola Janković
Music performed by trio Boris Kovač – pn reeds
Branko Džinović – bandoneon,
Dani More – bass and Lav Kovač – keyboards.
Also performed by Aleksandra Krčmar vl, Jelena Filipović – vla, Laza Novkov – accordeon, Slobodanka Stević – pn
Supported by Film Centre of Serbia and City council Novi Sad.
KacharaMMstudio production 2019-2021.
Enjoy this story about 4 people living in nature, out of any system of today’s consumer life.
A beautiful text about the film by Nora Hoppe.

Happy To Present 3 New ALBUMS At Once!
The fruits of 4 years production by Boris Kovač and his colleagues
Boris Kovač / New Ritual Group - promo trailer
Tango dance couple performed by Anastasia Ferer and Luigi Zola
Dance group performed by DaNS
Synopsis: Dragan Gmizić, Boris Kovač
Drone operator: Szilard Kovacs
Camera and editing: Zlatko Zlatković
Dance scene filmed by: Predrag Radosavljević, Vanjus, Aleksandar Milanović
White World – Music for Dance And...
An album and performance trailer.
“This album is a collection of my works for dance, composed over a period of 20 years. It also includes one remarkable ballad composed by Lav. Many of these compositions were written for films and theatre plays.”
Boris Kovač
(both digital and CD) on the BANDCAMP
Beside 3 NEW albums there are already presented and offered 9 previous
albums all them REMASTERED with much improved sound and
available also in HIGH RESOLUTION at 96khz/24bit
To purchase some of Boris Kovac’s CDs please contact kacharasales@gmail.com . Person in charge Ms Vlatka Vidic.
Payment with PAYPAL – delivering to your address.
KACHARA MM production 2015/2022
Times of Day
Musical film based on the piece Times of Day / Concerto Suite for Saxophone and Chamber Ensemble. The film was created and performed by Boris Kovač, Denes Debrei, Snežana Adjanski, Tatjana Grujić and DaNS group. Edited and produced by Boris Kovač. KACHARA MM production
A Year The Land 4 Man
A work in progress.Teaser for the first of four parts of a poetic musical documentary film by Boris Kovač, produced by HORZ, KacharaMMStudio and Dragan Gmizić. Project is supported by the City Council of Novi Sad.
Presentation of an actual concert program. Boris Kovač / reeds, melodion, Slobodanka Stević / piano, Jasna Jovičević / reeds, Siniša Mazlica / double bass, Lav Kovač / drums, percussion.
Testimonials & Reviews
Boris Kovač – Music as a Bridge between Earth and Heaven
Historically and musically developed so that is really great and multifaceted Yugoslavian composer Boris Kovač was the real sound of the mirror of the tragic events in the country in the ’90s. Ethnic strife, bombings, death, violence, and eventually decay, all accurately reflected in the music track that left Kovac.
By education, Boris Kovac – musical autodidact. He studied at the Faculty of Philosophy in fact, but devoted his life to the philosophy of music. This experience greatly, by the way, affected the creativity Kovac as a whole. He does not see himself as an ordinary composer or a musician – he was first and foremost a philosopher who chose their means of expression is not a pen and paper, and the notes and musical instruments. This, incidentally, is another of its distinguishing feature – it combines the composer and performer, leveling the border, carried out between a single writer and musician.
Read the whole article in 3 parts in Russian:
visit link http://users.livejournal.com/_smarty/139497.html
visit link http://users.livejournal.com/_smarty/140255.html
visit link http://users.livejournal.com/_smarty/tag/kovac
“There are those special artists whose entire musical careers accompany one throughout one’s life… Boris Kovač has, with all this, achieved a legendary status with his variegated, exceptional and dazzling music… Because of the magical and mysterious elements in his music, no classification is successful. His ‘Catalogue of Memories’, a musical opus full of nostalgic and melancholic memories that strike deep chords, lifts one out of time and transports one from reality. It is an extraordinary, enchanting masterpiece – a world record in all respects.”
“…Kovač’s artistry can be described as “a vertiginous mix of recycled and transformed codes, characters and conventions”… belonging to a category outside the diverse artistic classifications. In speaking about his music, Boris Kovač refers to an interweaving of different genres and styles of music and assorted media, often incorporating controversial, paradoxical and ambiguous references. One can certainly detect the “yielding” and “fluid” boundaries that fuse the author’s composing and his performing activities.
But ultimately Kovač finds his expression beyond all styles and genres, beyond the boundaries of any specific time, geography or ethnicity, eschewing any form of hierarchy…”
Orchestra for Barbaric Apocalyptic Balkan Dance
Many years ago, when author of this article was seriously interested in Goran Bregovic’s music, he wrote a completely apologetic article about the author of the early 90’s Moscow taxi drivers’ favorite song (‘In A Death Car’, of course). In that article he without knowing and without listening but offhand told a few pejorative words about the saxophonist and composer Boris Kovac.
Now, my friends, it is time to apologize and even, perhaps, sprinkle ashes on my head. I declare with all my responsibility: the ex-jazz saxophonist Kovac is not “one of those, which a few in any seaside town on the Adriatic“. No, he is the one. In any of his musical incarnations, whether it is a popular La Campanella or more refined LaDaABa orchest («Orchestra for barbaric apocalyptic Balkan dance» – this is what the strange acronym stands for), he actually was and remains one of the most interesting European composers of our time. Attention, I’m not kidding!
Boris Kovač, Tajj Kvartet, New Ritual Group and friends – Kolarčeva zadužbina, 25th of January 2011.
I don’t know how many times I’ve seen Boris Kovač live, following his journey from the abstract, meditative states, through frenetic expression, till tavern’s dance and … back.
If all Serbian composers revisited their old pieces like Kovač does, nobody would even heave to write new music.
Across That Twilight Zone
„Kovač slips easily across that twilight zone where contemporary composition and folk music touch.”
„The King of apocalyptical cabaret“
Dancing at the Abyss
“Dancing at the Abyss… Kovac proves that we humans, still manage to move the cosmos with our music, to find hope in our inner spirits and seek a way out of the morass…”
“Kovac’s music is both grounded and path finding a testament to the resileincy of culture and spirit in a region trying to repair itself after a decade of horror.
“This music is future classical…”
MULTISTYLISM could be a rough term used to determine Boris KOVAC’s composition profile, which is not suited to fill any conventional pigeonholes. His music reflects a thorough knowledge of the European chamber music tradition; on the one hand it could (conditionally) be categorized among lyrical sentiments of traditional sound worlds (not only of Pannonian ethnic music but also of a “planetary human spirit”) and sacred ritual sound festivities, and, on the other hand, it adopted some experiences of jazz, avantgarde rock and improvised music. Among the younger generation composers that we have had the opportunity to hear in the last several years there are indeed very few who have introduced so much freshness into contemporary music as Boris KOVAC has done.
All Kovac’s Excursions Are Voyages
“…all Kovac’s excursions are voyages beyond the expected. His ability to veer from heartbreakingly gorgeous melodies, fluttering wingsof brass symphonies, into breakneck accordion-driven fury isincomprehensible.“
East European Tones in Bizarre Beauty
The true revelation appeared only on the last day… Boris Kovac and his Ritual Nova Ensemble played their endlessly remote odes. It seemed as if those Yugoslavs were not from this world. Metaphysical in their search and convincing in their ideas, these mystics played their beautiful, sad melodies (the soprano part was without words, dominated by the grace and power of rhythms). The ensemble has mastered this language in a wondrous way. Appearing as a secret culmination of the festival…
“The Last Balkan Tango” pulls the soul out of the body
Today, it seems to me like I never heard records which really inspired me that much. One of them is the album of Boris Kovac. … “The Last Balkan Tango” pulls the soul out of the body; so much emotions, so much honesty, so much devilish good musicallity is placed in this small framework…
Everyone is One Island
One is unable to define his music. It appears as a blend of various styles Kovac was in connection with and is full of personal language and aura… there is a special fascination coming from himself and his music, which seems like coming from far away and never ending…
Success of Kovac’s ensemble
…No, this album is not cheerful. It is sombre, tragical and dramatic, although there are careless and winged moments. Balkan dances, not the unrestrained round-dance, but falls into the wild exaltation of one bloody apocalypse. …His music, with its quality, shades the international music scene.
Since Laibach’s album Nato Occupies Europe, The Last Balkan Tango is the most piercing warning from the East.
Success of Kovac’s ensemble
A Thousand Year Blend In The Shade Of The Balkans
The music by Boris Kovac performed by Ritual Nova ensemble is a result of great composition and arrangement efforts and results in a great unity of the thousand year long Balkan culture, an outcome of an east-west fusion and contemporary music at the same time. Tunes inspired by folklore and influenced by Bartokianism, gypsy music, Orthodoxy and great Balkan composers of the last few centuries are deeply connected with their own culture.
… After the performance of this original and inciting music we are convinced that Boris Kovac is the most remarkable representative of Balkan music.
Boris Kovac mit Ritual Nova
…erlebten einen grossartigen Boris Kovac mit Ritual Nova, dem prazise betitelten Ensemble, das das Grundtema genial fasste: Assiziationsketten von Klezmer bis Arvo Part…Musik von bezwigendem Ernst und bewegender Heiterkeit. Ovationen, konsequente Zugabe: “Was ist die Zukunft unserer Kinder?”, “The Last Balkan Tango”…
Paradoxen alchemistischen Formel
…Boris Kovac mit seiner “paradoxen alchemistischen Formel”, die in ihrer Klangumsetzung wie eine Mischung aus depression, Lebensmut und Lebenswut, aus Barbarei und asthetischem Gestaltungswillen ertont. Kalt war’s, schon war’s und sicher ein hochst ungewonliches klangmusikalisches Ereignis.
Dream Academy
Boris KOVAC successfully combines a great portion of Balkan European heritage with contemporary sound experience, which is indisputably testified by the Ritual Nova record…. It has been long since I heard such personally experienced music, such a creative expression of inspiration.