Ritual Nova 1982-1986.jpg
Boris Kovač – reeds, Istrian sopile, marimba, percussion, Hungarian
zither, shurlas, voice
Daniel Stari – acoustic guitar
Stevan Kovacs Tickmayer – double bass, Yamaha DX-7, voice, vibraphone, Hungarian zither
Siniša Sekulić – drums
Vladimir Marko – voice
Đorđe Delibašić – percussion
Veljko Nikolić „Papa Nick” – percussions, exotic instruments, voice
S.A. Fraparega – percussion, exotic instruments
Bora Janić – drums
1. Varvarski (Ending Part) 1982 03:03
2. BK & SKT Duo Live 1983 03:27
3. Varvarski Ritual Nova live 1983 06:12
4. Neshvacene caplje u prolazu 13:25
5. Sobno kretanje 07:16
6. Iz Arhelija Panonca 04:58
7. Muzika diskretnog prostora 18:24
8. Institute Sessions (Ending part) 07:32
9. Put na Istok 08:05
Released January 1, 2020
Ritual Nova 1982-1986 + booklet with texts by Nemanja Sovtić and two author’s reviews of musicians Stevan Kovač Tickmayer and Boris Kovač, founder of the ensemble Ritual Nova.
LOST & FoUND – research project and music edition on vinyl and CD collection of audio editions of rare and unpublished recordings of music sessions that were made during the 1980s in Novi Sad. These omitted scenes of the Novi Sad scene form a unique creative opus inspired by the concepts of art and experiment, with elements of jazz, improvisation, art rock, contemporary classical music, musical theater, performance, poetry, ambience.
Mastered by Stevan Kovacs Tickmayer
Technical support by Vladimir Samardžić, Atanas Mlazev
A/D transfer by Dimitrije Jakovljević, Filip Vlatković
Artwork & design by kuda.org
Produced by kuda.org – LOST & FoUND edition